Gta Online Casino Car Lost

For a long time, Grand Theft Auto Online (GTA Online) players are obsessed with a rare car comes with the name Vapid Lost Slamvan. Specs speaking, it is an unremarkable vehicle except that you couldn't get it in the usual way. You could ride it in the storyline missions However, you couldn't keep it. Some players have resolved in glitches to work around that, but the developer was quite adamant about backlisting this car from fans. If you put that car into your garage, the game will delete it from the inventory.

Vapid Lost Slamvan

Grand Theft Auto V. I lost my personal vehicle in gta v online. Same thing happened to me with my Adder.It turns out that if you send a ticket to Rockstar they can restore your car or give you the money in order to buy it back.I made a ticket and I'm still waiting for a response.They also said that they are working on fixing this when.

Reaper Lords' leader, Dirty_Worka said that this car is very sexy, and because it is unobtainable, it makes people want it even more. Lost Slamvan car is a variant based on the Slamvan base model. You can simply get this base model by purchasing it in the in-game store. However, Lost Slamvan model with its tweaked liveries, taillights, and license plates is much harder to get.

Gta Online Casino Games

According to Dirty_Worka, the car is just undrivable. It features an insane amount of horsepower and just kind of slides everywhere. But that murdered look, outlawed status, and raw power make it a desirable car for everyone.

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You could get the car in the casino. But it is not easy.

Gta Online Casino Car List

But everything has changed with the recent release of the casino in the game. This update brings in a Lucky Wheel which you can spin once in a day for free to get a specific prize. There are 1/20 chances that you get a 'mystery prize.' It could be everything, from a shirt to cigarettes. You can also get vehicles with this prize. According to GTA Wiki, there is a 14% chance you could get a car on the Lucky Wheel.

Then from that list of getable vehicles, there is the Lost Slamvan. But with all of that combines, you have only less than ~0.005% chance of getting the Lost Slamvan from the mystery prize on Lucky Wheel. That makes Lost Slamvan the rarest car in GTA Online.

This information has caused an uproar in GTA Online hardcore players community. Finally, you can earn the most desirable Vapid Lost Slamvan in an authorized way.

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